Center Updates:
For further information, or to express interest in volunteering, please email Hearts and Ears at info@heartsandears.org
Donate / Contribute
As a small 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, Hearts & Ears, Inc. often finds itself in the situation of having to do very much with very little. We are the only Trans led, peer run organization in the state specifically dedicated to serving the LGBTQIA+ community with behavioral health support.
You can help give back to the community and help us fulfill our mission of serving the community number of different ways...
Your Time
We are always in need of helping hands both around our wellness and recovery center and in the community at large. Whether it is pitching in by running a group, teaching a class or just lending your time you can make a major impact and give someone a much-needed helping hand. We are also in need of individuals with a passion for both mental health consumers and/or LGBTQIA+ issues to help us in our outreach to the local community.
Sundries / Materials
Because we serve a large number of individuals in need, we are often in need of everyday items such as non-perishable food, unused hygiene items, clothing, coats, hats, gloves,and blankets. If you are a business who can offer a donation of your goods or services or just one person with items you can spare, your donation could provide the assistance someone so desperately needs.
Monetary Gifts
Sometimes you want to make a difference but just don't have the time. A monetary donations can help make a difference.
A small amount can make a huge difference in someone's life.
PayPal Donations, click below:
Your business or personal donations are also tax deductible. If you would be interested in contributing to the Hearts & Ears mission in any of these ways please contact us by phone at (410) 523-1694 or by email. We appreciate all donations and our organization respects the privacy of our donors. We will never sell, rent or share your information with outside parties without your written consent.